Monday, August 2, 2021

Friday, July 30

 What a relaxing day! Today the Bahls went to Discovery Cove which they said we should go to next time. They swam with sting rays, sharks and enjoyed the fresh water lazy river. 

This morning started at the splash pad for some fun before heading to the pool. The boys loved running around the splash pad. Both boys even got their heads wet! Then we headed back to the room to wake up Thom to go to the pool. Everyone enjoyed the water. We ate lunch by the pool and then headed back for naps.  While we were eating we noticed our little alligator friend was still there. 

While the boys napped I decided I would go read a book under the pergola. The mom and baby ducks kept coming by my chair. They were so cute. My goal was to read, but that lasted about 5 minutes before I fell asleep! 

When I got back to the condo after sleeping for 1.5 hours in the sun I found Thom asleep on the couch. I then headed into the bedroom where the boys were sleeping and continued a nap. 

Once everyone started to wake the Bahls came back to the condo and we headed back to the pool for some swimming, dinner and pina coladas. 

There isn't much to write about because it was uneventful, but boy was it relaxing!

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Sunday, August 1

 Although it was our day to fly home, our flight wasn't until later so we had the entire morning to be able to enjoy the condo! Jean and...